Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joyas Voladoras

The excerpt that we read was pretty deep, and usually I try not to dwell on these lessons, because there are too many of them, and you can never really prepare yourself for the future without knowing exactly what will happen. However, in this story, (I'm going to call it a story because I forget the official name) the message is that if you're too reckless in your decisions, and completely throw yourself at whatever you feel like, you'll live a short life, like the humming bird. However, if you never do anything or go anywhere significant, you'll lead a long boring life, like a sea turtle. Therefore, you want to find a perfect medium, where you gain new experiences and have fun, but you don't burn yourself out or overdose at a frat party that your neighbor sneaked you into. So, in conclusion, be reasonable, but don't be reckless, either.

Monday, May 6, 2013


All day for the beginning of our lives, we are told to go to school, see that we can learn the things that the government deems appropriate. However, it's really hard for one person, or even a team of people, to say what should or shouldn't be taught and learned. Everyone is going to take their own career paths, and they will have to know different things than everyone else. Still, there are countless things that everyone will inevitably need to deal with that they don't teach you. Most of these are social things, like love, death, and making decisions. Aside from it being at least slightly awkward, it would be decently useful if these things were taught to us. Although, these aren't really things that someone can even teach you. Everyone's experiences will differ from one another, and the only actual way to learn these things is to experience them. Just trying to picture sitting in a class room, on the first day of school, listening to some random guy trying to tell you what to do when one of your loved ones dies, it seems unrealistic. So while there are infinite important topics that are not covered in the classroom, they are still worth knowing, you just have to experience it yourself.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Waste Land Documentary

To me, the most memorable part of the film was how everyone working at the disposal center was so happy. If you took just about any person in america, and had them work there for just a day, they would absolutely hate it. Yet, to the people who had worked there for up to twenty-something-years, it was just their routine, and they were content with it. No one kept complained about the work, or how little money they got. The one guy said that if he complained, god would get angry, because his life was much better than it could have been. I learned to try to make the most of the situation you are in, and not keep wanting more. The workers all had the mindset that they should just keep working, and making the most of their current position, and it really paid out for them in the end. 

The people who had artworks made of them were likely awestruck by the outcome. From their perspective, they worked for hours everyday, picking through trash, making very little money. Until, some guy with a camera came along, took pictures of them, recreated the pictures out of the garbage that they are surrounded by everyday, and got tens of thousands of dollars for each artwork. Anybody could see how life changing that can be. The workers must have felt honored, thankful, and somewhat unworthy, maybe. That is because, since they are all so humble, they were probably thinking why it happened to them, when there are  probably people who deserve a break just as much as they do, if not more.

If I had been in their shoes, I would have certainly been grateful. I would also feel very uneasy. I would be wondering what to do with all the money I just got. I would wonder whether I  help out the people in my community, donate some, or just use it all the leave and go to some place new, and find a better job there. I think that someone could make artwork similar to the art in the video using items and characters from video games that I have played. Admittedly, I play a decent amount of games, and I think it would be really cool to see a drawing of me, or anything, really, made out of smaller characters and items. Those are my opinions on the Documentary. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013


This is a picture of cars trapped in a fence, and it symbolizes rules or something.

Outside picture

My juxtaposition.

Picture thing


We chose this picture because it shows how different other countries' cultures are. This seems weird tio us, but it is traditional in their culture.
It was taken in Barranquilla, Colombia, during a parade.
At first glance, you wouldn't notice that he's not even wearing shoes. He's just painted from head to toe in gold paint.
I like this photo, because the dancer looks like he's really into character, and is really energetic, which makes me want to see the whoke dance they're doing.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Year

2012 seemed like it went by in flash for me. I'm gonna have to get used to writing 2013 as the date for everything. Even though it seemed quick, I learned a lot within the length of a year. Not just from school, but about life in general. For example, I learned how to manage my time a lot better. I used to forget everything and I would only actually do half of the things I needed to. I still forget some things, but I've gotten a lot better. Also, I feel like I have a better understanding of the world around me. I know much more about atoms and materials that are used in our everyday lives. I learned most of it from my dad teaching me. He tells me a lot about things like that.

Also, since it's the new year, everyone is making resolutions. Resolutions are supposed to make you a better person and do better in whatever it is you want to, but people only follow them for a month at most. The problem, is people only think about achieving their new year's goals, then, when the year isn't new, they forget about their goals. Therefore, instead of waiting until the new year to improve yourself, do it all the time.