Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joyas Voladoras

The excerpt that we read was pretty deep, and usually I try not to dwell on these lessons, because there are too many of them, and you can never really prepare yourself for the future without knowing exactly what will happen. However, in this story, (I'm going to call it a story because I forget the official name) the message is that if you're too reckless in your decisions, and completely throw yourself at whatever you feel like, you'll live a short life, like the humming bird. However, if you never do anything or go anywhere significant, you'll lead a long boring life, like a sea turtle. Therefore, you want to find a perfect medium, where you gain new experiences and have fun, but you don't burn yourself out or overdose at a frat party that your neighbor sneaked you into. So, in conclusion, be reasonable, but don't be reckless, either.

Monday, May 6, 2013


All day for the beginning of our lives, we are told to go to school, see that we can learn the things that the government deems appropriate. However, it's really hard for one person, or even a team of people, to say what should or shouldn't be taught and learned. Everyone is going to take their own career paths, and they will have to know different things than everyone else. Still, there are countless things that everyone will inevitably need to deal with that they don't teach you. Most of these are social things, like love, death, and making decisions. Aside from it being at least slightly awkward, it would be decently useful if these things were taught to us. Although, these aren't really things that someone can even teach you. Everyone's experiences will differ from one another, and the only actual way to learn these things is to experience them. Just trying to picture sitting in a class room, on the first day of school, listening to some random guy trying to tell you what to do when one of your loved ones dies, it seems unrealistic. So while there are infinite important topics that are not covered in the classroom, they are still worth knowing, you just have to experience it yourself.