Thursday, October 4, 2012

School are killing creativity

In class, we discussed creativity. Specifically, we watched a TED Telk by Ken Robinson, who says that schools are killing creativity. He said that creativity is as important as literacy, and we should treat it accordingly. Instead, we squander their crearivity very ruthlessly. I agree with this statement completely. Schools put too much value in subjects like math, reading, and history. As a result, kids become convinced that's all that's important, and they become lucky to get one class a week where they can express themselves or be creative, such as art or music. Ever since we're young, we're forced away from what we want to do. People say that you'll never get a job where dancing will help you, or that you'll never be an artist, which isn't really true.  Recently, kids have been getting lower and lower scores on tests that attempt to determine their approximate creativity. Creativity is one of the most important someone, can have, and it should be treated so. Schools have to start embracing the intrests of children, instead of trying to steer everyone towards focusing on math and Reading. In conclusion, schools should put more effort into teaching creativity, and encouraging the interests of students.

1 comment:

  1. Shaun, go back and re-read the instructions for this post on my blog. You needed to specifically reference both the TED talk and the article we read as well as incorporating personal experience.
